We’re donating a brand new kitchen to the value of $30,000!

Harrison Kitchens and Cabinets are extremely excited to be donating a New Kitchen Renovation to the value of $30,000 to the auction at the 2016 Cotton Ball Adelaide. This prize will be auctioned off at the event which raises funds for people living with EB and supports DEBRA Australia who provide incredible support for EB sufferers.

We have partnered with our suppliers who have generously assisted us with this donation.

The Cotton Ball Adelaide

This year’s event will be held on Saturday November 5th at the Adelaide Convention Centre. It is proving to be a spectacular black-tie event, filled with entertainment and great food. The night will also consist of a silent and live auction with all funds raised going to Debra. Ensuring that it is dedicated to improving the lives of people living with EB.

After attending the 2015 Cotton Ball, Hannah and Steve Krause wanted to bring the event to their home state of SA, they have formed a committee and worked tirelessly to do so. It is the desire to give back to DEBRA, the organisation that has provided so much support for their daughter Ivy and their family, which has motivated them.

The Cotton Ball will also raise much needed awareness to this debilitating disease.

Adelaide Convention centre - Harrisons Kitchen Renovations


So what exactly is EB?

On The Cotton Ball website it stated that EB is ‘The worst disease that you have never heard of’. And how that statement speaks the truth. Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a rare genetic disease that results in painful blistering and peeling of the skin from the slightest touch. Children with EB are quite often called ‘butterfly children’ or ‘cotton kids’ because of the fragility of their skin.

EB sufferers require daily bandaging to protect and medicate their wounds. It requires extreme vigilance and regular pain relief. The disease can leave sufferers disfigured and all too often leads to fatal systemic complications.

DEBRA Australia

DEBRA Australia was founded in 2005 and is the local arm of a worldwide network of organisations dedicated to supporting sufferers and their families living with EB. DEBRA is funded solely by volunteer donations and provides the first port of call for those touched by EB.

DEBRA also provides support for local and international research and is actively “Working for a life free of pain”. For more information please visit www.debra.org.au


The Prize

In conjunction with Austaron, Rawson’s Elite Appliances, Rawson’s Electrical and FHS, Harrison Kitchens & Cabinets have put together a New Kitchen Renovation package to the value of $30,000. The kitchen will include Austaron Tempest range benchtops, 2 pac painted joinery, elite appliance package, hardware and installation.

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Why the Cotton Ball?

Matt and Penny Harrison decided to donate this incredible auction item after seeing the excruciating pain that an EB sufferer endures. They thought of the diligent care that is required to help these sufferers to withstand everyday life and to lower their amount of pain. Matt and Penny felt compelled to support this cause, raise funds for the sufferers and to raise awareness for EB, the worst disease that you have never heard of.


For more information or to purchase tickets please visit www.thecottonball.com.au


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